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Showing posts from February, 2023

Alien Abduction Experience of a Montauk Survivor and Alien Human Hybrid

 Find out more about the alien implant and abduction experience of a Montauk survivor and alien human hybrid at A Montauk survivor's experience with alien abduction and an alien human hybrid My name is Talop, and I am a Vampire Ashram elder who can attest to the fact that I am an alien-human hybrid who was hybridised and programmed in the notorious Montauk underground in Long Island, New York, for use by the rebel reptilian Satanic empire, which includes the Illuminati, Freemasonic, and Luciferian forces. I can begin recounting my tale in April of 1971, when I was born in Manhattan's Lenox Hill hospital, or can I? Despite the negative effects of birth trauma on human development, conception is considerably more significant than physical birth. My biological father confirmed to me that I was actually conceived in Montauk, Long Island. despite never having learned how. Nevertheless, it's not like I was planned. He never forgot, though, how